SAMHSA Guidance for Treating Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome SAMHSA has released a new tool to assist health care providers in (more…)
MagnusCards Mobile App to Support Independence MagnusCards is a free app featuring digital card decks that guide users toward independence (more…)
CDC’s Milestone Tracker Mobile App – Free Resource Milestones matter! The CDC has created a mobile app for parents to (more…)
IPRC Member, Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, provides free webinars for the Pediatric Rehabilitation Community on a variety of related topics. (more…)
AAP Policy Statement on Media and Young Minds A new policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) addresses (more…)
Healthcare Position The IPRC believes that all children worldwide should have access to healthcare. As an advocate for children, including (more…)
A Look at CIMT The Best Practice and Innovation Group has taken a look at Constraint Induced Manual Therapy, through (more…)
Children’s Specialized Hospital is the first children’s hospital in the country to create a tool to help parents of children (more…)