In the heart of the US, in Lincoln, Nebraska, you’ll find Jeff Stec hard at work at Alexis Verzal’s Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital, part of Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital. Jeff has been a Speech Language Pathologist for over 20 years and is currently the Program Manager for Pediatrics – overseeing Inpatient, Outpatient, and Rehab Day Programming at several sites. He is active in his region helping families, referral agencies, and providers understand the need for pediatric rehabilitation services and the appropriate placement for patients in the continuum of care. Jeff joined the IPRC Steering Committee in 2013 and worked closely with the Outcomes Committee for 2 years. In 2015, he accepted the leadership role of Vice Chairperson for the Steering Committee and IPRC is grateful for his dedication. Jeff brings great insight to the table as a clinician, manager, advocate, and parent.
Jeff and Melinda, his wife of 25 years, have 2 strong and accomplished daughters. Their youngest daughter sustained a stroke 22 years ago and that experience continues to impact Jeff personally and professionally. “We have had the pleasure to parent children who both learn differently, problem solve in their own ways, and contribute with passion and a fierce desire for a full life. Both our girls have a reservoir of personal fortitude, endurance and strength that influences the work I do personally every single day.”
When asked about why he loves being a part of IPRC, Jeff responded, “IPRC is a network that is a dynamic resource for pediatric rehab providers that helps my organization benchmark our programming against other top providers. We have used the training and networking to enrich our services and to align best practice with providers from Israel to Seattle. It is a substantial benefit to our organization.” Want to reach out to Jeff? Contact IPRC and we’ll put you in touch with him.