Post Extubation, ListServ Summary, Dec 2022
Rehab administrators answer questions regarding Post Extubation. IPRC archives information collected by the Pediatric Rehab Administrator’s ListServ as a public service to the entire Pediatric Rehabilitation Community. All information is posted in summary format and has been de-identified. Search through past queries for responses to rehabilitation related questions.
Original Question(s):
- Who sees these patients (OT, SLP, both)- How long post-extubation do you try to do a bedside clinical feeding/swallowing evaluation?
- If indicated, how long post-extubation do you try to do either a FEES or swallow study and how would you determine which one you would do?
- Do you have a specific guideline or protocol you utilize for supporting decision making? If so, would you be willing to share it.
- Does anyone have specific research/literature you have utilized/referenced when working on development of a guideline that you find to be especially helpful?
Summary of Responses (De-Identified)