Rehab directors query regarding format, assessments and structure of various hospital constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) programs. The responses are (more…)
Rehab directors respond to questions regarding satisfaction tools for children and adolescents, parents and other stakeholders. The responses are below in (more…)
Rehab directors post responses to audiology certifications. The responses below are in the PDF ready for your viewing. Audiology Certifications- (more…)
Rehab Directors query regarding billing practices of evaluations that occur in two sessions. The responses are below in the PDF ready (more…)
Rehab Administrators asked how organizations manage their Gait Labs. The responses are below in the PDF ready for your viewing. (more…)
Administrators questioned how PT’s manage to do evaluations within one hour. The responses are available in the PDF below ready (more…)
Administrators asked about the “Use of Assistants in Outpatient Settings” in August, 2014. The questions were: 1. Do you (more…)