IPRC 2024 Webinar Schedule
Thursday, January 18th, 10:30-11:30 am EST, 9:30-10:30 am CST, 8:30-9:30 am MST, 7:30-8:30 am PST
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Complex Craniofacial Diagnosis
Thursday, February 8th, 1-2 pm EST, 12-1 pm CST, 11am-12pm MST, 10-11 am PST
Access to Care: Therapeutic Strategies to Support Autistic Individuals in Medical Settings
Monday, March 4th, 12-1 pm EST, 11am-12 pm CST, 10-11 am MST, 9-10 am PST
Preventing Secondary Trauma & Practical Self Care for Pediatric Rehabilitation Providers
Thursday, April 11th, 2-3 pm EDT, 1-2 pm CDT, 12-1 pm MDT, 11a -12 pm PDT
An Introduction to CARF International’s New Concussion Rehabilitation Program Standards
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2-3 pm EDT, 1-2 pm CDT, 12-1 pm MDT, 11am-12 pm PDT
EBP Part 1: Strategies to Critically Evaluate Research & Literature
Tuesday, April 30th, 2-3 pm EDT, 1-2 pm CDT, 12-1 pm MDT, 11am-12 pm PDT
EBP Part 2: Applying Evidence into Clinical Practice
Thursday, May 30th, 12-1 pm EDT, 11am-12 pm CDT, 10-11 am MDT, 9-10 am PDT
Treating Post-COVID-19 Conditions in Children: What We’ve Learned in the Past 4 Years
Wednesday, June 5th, 12-1 pm EDT, 11am-12 pm CDT, 10-11 am MDT, 9-10 am PDT
Treating Facial Motion Disorders
Tuesday, August 6th, 1-2 pm EDT, 12-1 pm CDT, 11am-12pm MDT, 10-11 am PDT
The Role of the Pediatric Rehab Professional Along the Cancer Care Continuum
Thursday, September 5th, 11 am-12 pm EDT, 10-11 am CDT, 9-10 am MDT, 8-9 am PDT
Using Music for Assessment and Care of Children and Young People with Disorders of Consciousness
Wednesday, November 6th, 12-1 pm EST, 11am-12 pm CST, 10-11 am MST, 9-10 am PST
Mobilization of the Pediatric Ventilated Patient