Modified Barium Swallow Study, ListServ Summary, April 2022
Rehab administrators answer questions regarding Modified Barium Swallow Studies (MBS). IPRC archives information collected by the Pediatric Rehab Administrator’s ListServ as a public service to the entire Pediatric Rehabilitation Community. All information is posted in summary format and has been de-identified. Search through past queries for responses to rehabilitation related questions.
Original Question(s):
- Are you currently able to complete MBS at a frame rate of 30 frames per second?
- Describe your pediatric MBS training process, Is there a standardized measure of readiness used? Do you require team members to complete the MBSImP? How do you measure inter-rater reliability as a team?
- Do you currently document penetration-aspiration scale for pediatrics?
- When scheduling a new patient for MBS and the MD referral has been received, do you currently see the patient for clinical feeding evaluation prior to MBS? If so, do you do this on the same day as scheduled MBS or different days?
Summary of Responses (De-identified)