Rehab administrators answer questions regarding Frequency/ Episodic Care Guidelines. IPRC archives information collected by the Pediatric Rehab Administrator’s ListServ as a public service to the entire Pediatric Rehabilitation Community. All information is posted in summary format and has been de-identified. Search through past queries for responses to rehabilitation related questions.
Initial Questions:
We have 2 staff (PT & OT) working on a QI project re: frequency and duration of care in inpatient and outpatient pediatric settings (and the provision of education for families). They have a few questions re: references/sources that other pediatric facilities are currently utilizing to determine OT and PT frequencies/durations of therapy treatment:
1. Do you utilize frequency guidelines for therapists in inpatient and/or outpatient settings?
2. Would you be willing to share any resources you have on setting frequencies/episodic care for therapy services?
3. Are you aware of any updated references on frequencies/durations of tx?
4. Are there any guidelines that your therapists use when a child is receiving therapies in multiple settings (ie OP, EI, IP)?
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