Rehab administrators answer questions regarding Outpatient PMV storage. IPRC archives information collected by the Pediatric Rehab Administrator’s ListServ as a public service to the entire Pediatric Rehabilitation Community. All information is posted in summary format and has been de-identified. Search through past queries for responses to rehabilitation related questions.
Original Question:
When given an order for an outpatient PMV, do you always send the patient home with the valve or do you ever store it?
In the past, we have not stored them in our office due to space constraints and infection control concerns. However, recently there has been some concern regarding caregivers not following instructions for wear/usage when we have suggested limited use (or begun with just having them bring it to therapy and wear it in session).
Our risk department feels that if our instructions are clear for wear/usage, then it is reasonable to continue to distribute it. We are interested in knowing what other facilities are doing.