Community Outings, ListServ Summary, July 2018
Rehab administrators answer questions regarding Community Outings. IPRC archives information collected by the Pediatric Rehab Administrator’s ListServ as a public service to the entire Pediatric Rehabilitation Community. All information is posted in summary format and has been de-identified. Search through past queries for responses to rehabilitation related questions.
Original Questions:
- For those of you that have an inpatient rehab unit, do you offer community outings as part of your therapy program?
- If yes:
- What type of experiences are you able to offer on your “campus” (e.g., cafeteria ordering and payment, crossing a busy intersection, etc.)?
- Do you ever leave the area that might be considered your “campus” (e.g., grocery stores, public transportation, etc.)
- If the patient might require rescue medication, does a nurse accompany the patient? If not, what is your plan?
- Do you require that families also accompany the patients if you are able to leave your campus?
- If no:
- What contributed to that decision?
- In what other ways do you support reintegration into the community?
- Do you have a policy or written criteria, outlining candidacy for community outings?
- If yes, what factors do you consider?
- Do you require that the families sign a consent or “permission slip”?
- If you would be willing to share any documents, please attach with your response.
Summary of Responses