Elaine Owens MBE, MSc, SRP, MCSP
Seattle Children’s Hospital Rehabilitation Department
Friday, March 23rd – Sunday, March 25th, 2018
Course Description
The course is intended primarily for pediatric physiotherapists, orthotists and other professionals working in the field of pediatric gait rehabilitation. It is also highly relevant to physiotherapists, orthotists and others working in the fields of adult neurology and adult learning disability. The course explores a fresh approach to the observation and analysis of normal walking and standing, and the classification and management of gait disorders. The biomechanics of normal walking and standing, and the pathological gaits of disabling conditions will be extensively reviewed, with particular reference to orthotic management. Pre-gait analysis and orthotic management assessment will be demonstrated. The emphasis of patient cases will focus on cerebral palsy, myelomeningocoele and other neurological conditions. Participants will gain knowledge of the aims of orthotic management and how to achieve them through: the biomechanics of ankle-foot orthoses, the influence of footwear, varieties of AFO Footwear Combination design, tuning AFO Footwear Combinations to optimize gait and extensive video examples. In addition live patient demonstrations will help participants refine their clinical decision making skills involved in gait analysis and orthotic design.
Each delegate will receive an illustrated course manual, which includes extensive reference lists and directions for further reading, and a CD containing additional information and proformas.
Who Should Attend
Physical Therapists/Physical Therapy Assistants
Occupational Therapists/Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants
Orthotists/Orthotic Assistants
OT/COTA/PT/PTA CE…………………. 22 hours
Orthotics & prosthetics professional category 1 CEUs Pending…….. 22 Hours
Conference Fee
Early Registration: $500 before January 31st, 2018
Standard Registration: $600 after January 31st, 2018
Late Registration: $675 after March the, 2018